Wednesday 28 April 2010

so a first post should really be all fire and passion, with cymbals clashing as you deliniate the great purpose of your present and future writings.

This is not quite that.

I have been haunting the blogosphere for a while now, with the occasional de-lurk to post comments when I have been particularly moved to do so. So often now though, I get the feeling that something needs to be written about, and I should really point it out to a blogger so they can articulate what I'm feeling. Then I can just post a few comments and feel satisfied. Yeah, that would be cool right?

That's not how the world works though is it? So it's time to put head and shoulders above the parapet now. Here is my blog. Take it as you find it and tell me how you feel. I'm going to endeavour to do the same.

In peace and respect,

Scherazade Speaks.

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